Friday, March 25, 2011

Some things about Sugarless Chocolates...

Chocolates can be of many types, flavors and variations but one thing that they all have in common is the sweet taste, yes, chocolate is sweet. They can be bittersweet like the dark chocolates, alluringly sweet like the assorted ones or anything in the between. Now, chocolates are made from cocoa plant and the pure chocolate extracted from the plant are not sweet, they are somewhat bitter in taste. To enhance the taste to raw chocolate, the inventors of chocolate from different centuries experimented with different recipes and came up with the idea to add sugar to make it sweet.

Then in recent times, we discovered different problems and complications associated with sugar. For example, people with diabetes cannot process the main product of sugar, the sucrose. Sugar or sucrose can affect the processing of carbohydrate therefore people who are in a low carbohydrate diet cannot take them either. Sugar have a considerable amount of calorie, which are called as the "empty calories" by the nutrition specialists, that is, these calories are not very good for the body and they suggest that people who are trying to lose weight should avoid sugar as well. For the chocolate lovers and enthusiasts with these problems, sugarless chocolate is the only solution.

Sugarless chocolates are the kind of chocolate that do not use any processed sugar. To give the chocolate a sweet taste, it uses the sugar alternative. Sugar alternative are artificially or semi-artificially produced sugar which do not contain sucrose therefore is free from all the problems induced by it.

There are different types sugar substitute such as aspartame, stevia, sucralose, neotame, acesulfame potassium etc. Xylitol and sorbitol are other notable sugar substitutes which are acquired from natural sources such as fruits. Most of the chocolate manufacturing companies use one of these sugar substitutes to produce their sugarless chocolates. If you are going for a sugarless chocolate for health or other reason, you can figure out which sugar substitute is used in the chocolate by reading the calorie and nutrition information of the product.

The sugar substitute sweeteners are obviously expensive than the normal sugar therefore the sugarless chocolates will also cost more than their normal versions. Although all the major chocolate brands of the world have sugarless variations of chocolate and candies, you may have a favorite flavor which does not yet have a sugar-free version. You can also need chocolate as a base, fillings or coating for some other dish. For all these cases, it can be more convenient and economical if you prepare the sugarless chocolate yourself. Just buy the sugar substitute and pure sugar free cocoa separately. Then use the sugar substitute like regular sweeteners, the quantity comparison will be given with the product.

So try some sugarless chocolate today, put sugarless chocolate in your favorite chocolate dish or buy the sugarless version next time of a candy. You will no longer feel guilty for the extra sugar and this guilt-free feeling will enhance the taste of this divine indulgence to a million times.

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